package org.kohsuke.github;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.kohsuke.github.internal.EnumUtils;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* A Github App.
* @author Paulo Miguel Almeida
* @see GitHub#getApp() GitHub#getApp()
public class GHApp extends GHObject {
* Create default GHApp instance
public GHApp() {
private GHUser owner;
private String name;
private String slug;
private String description;
private String externalUrl;
private Map<String, String> permissions;
private List<String> events;
private long installationsCount;
private String htmlUrl;
* Gets owner.
* @return the owner
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = { "EI_EXPOSE_REP" }, justification = "Expected behavior")
public GHUser getOwner() {
return owner;
* Gets name.
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Gets the slug name of the GitHub app.
* @return the slug name of the GitHub app
public String getSlug() {
return slug;
* Gets description.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Gets external url.
* @return the external url
public String getExternalUrl() {
return externalUrl;
* Gets events.
* @return the events
public List<GHEvent> getEvents() {
.map(e -> EnumUtils.getEnumOrDefault(GHEvent.class, e, GHEvent.UNKNOWN))
* Gets installations count.
* @return the installations count
public long getInstallationsCount() {
return installationsCount;
* Gets the html url.
* @return the html url
public URL getHtmlUrl() {
return GitHubClient.parseURL(htmlUrl);
* Gets permissions.
* @return the permissions
public Map<String, String> getPermissions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(permissions);
* Obtains all the installation requests associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @return a list of App installation requests
* @see <a href=
* "">List
* installation requests</a>
public PagedIterable<GHAppInstallationRequest> listInstallationRequests() {
return root().createRequest()
.toIterable(GHAppInstallationRequest[].class, null);
* Obtains all the installations associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @return a list of App installations
* @see <a href="">List installations</a>
public PagedIterable<GHAppInstallation> listInstallations() {
return listInstallations(null);
* Obtains all the installations associated with this app since a given date.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @param since
* - Allows users to get installations that have been updated since a given date.
* @return a list of App installations since a given time.
* @see <a href="">List installations</a>
public PagedIterable<GHAppInstallation> listInstallations(final Date since) {
Requester requester = root().createRequest().withUrlPath("/app/installations");
if (since != null) {
requester.with("since", GitHubClient.printDate(since));
return requester.toIterable(GHAppInstallation[].class, null);
* Obtain an installation associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @param id
* Installation Id
* @return a GHAppInstallation
* @throws IOException
* on error
* @see <a href="">Get an installation</a>
public GHAppInstallation getInstallationById(long id) throws IOException {
return root().createRequest()
.withUrlPath(String.format("/app/installations/%d", id))
* Obtain an organization installation associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @param name
* Organization name
* @return a GHAppInstallation
* @throws IOException
* on error
* @see <a href="">Get an organization
* installation</a>
public GHAppInstallation getInstallationByOrganization(String name) throws IOException {
return root().createRequest()
.withUrlPath(String.format("/orgs/%s/installation", name))
* Obtain an repository installation associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @param ownerName
* Organization or user name
* @param repositoryName
* Repository name
* @return a GHAppInstallation
* @throws IOException
* on error
* @see <a href="">Get a repository
* installation</a>
public GHAppInstallation getInstallationByRepository(String ownerName, String repositoryName) throws IOException {
return root().createRequest()
.withUrlPath(String.format("/repos/%s/%s/installation", ownerName, repositoryName))
* Obtain a user installation associated with this app.
* <p>
* You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
* @param name
* user name
* @return a GHAppInstallation
* @throws IOException
* on error
* @see <a href="">Get a user installation</a>
public GHAppInstallation getInstallationByUser(String name) throws IOException {
return root().createRequest()
.withUrlPath(String.format("/users/%s/installation", name))