All Classes and Interfaces

The Class AbstractGHAppInstallationTest.
The Class AbstractGitHubWireMockTest.
The Class TemplatingHelper.
Test showing the behavior of OkHttpConnector with and without cache.
AOT test to check if the required classes are registered for reflections / serialization.
Gets all classes in the org/kohsuke/github package (and subpackages) and register them for the AOT reflection / serialization.
The Class AppInstallationAuthorizationProviderTest.
Unit test for simple App.
The Class ArchTests.
Test authorization token refresh.
The Class BridgeMethodTest.
The Class CommitTest.
The Class DefaultGitHubConnectorTest.
The Class EnterpriseManagedSupportTest.
Unit test for GitHub static helpers.
The Class EnumUtilsTest.
Tests for the GitHub App Api Test
The Class GHAppInstallationTest.
Tests for the GitHub App API methods.
The Class GHAuthenticatedAppInstallationTest.
The type Gh autolink test.
The Class GHBranchProtectionTest.
The Class GHBranchTest.
The Class GHCheckRunBuilderTest.
Test class for listing errors in CODEOWNERS files.
Integration test for GHContent.
The Class GHDeployKeyTest.
The Class GHDeploymentTest.
The Class GHDiscussionTest.
The Class GHEventPayloadTest.
The Class GHEventTest.
The Class GHExternalGroupTest.
The Class GHGistTest.
The Class GHGistUpdaterTest.
The Class GHHookTest.
The Class GHIssueEventAttributeTest.
The Class GHIssueEventTest.
The Class GHIssueTest.
The Class GHLicenseTest.
Tests for the GitHub MarketPlace Plan API methods.
The Class GHMilestoneTest.
The Class GHObjectTest.
The Class GHOrganizationTest.
The Class GHPersonTest.
The Class GHProjectCardTest.
The Class GHProjectColumnTest.
The Class GHProjectTest.
The Class GHPublicKeyTest.
The Class GHPullRequestMockTest.
The Class GHPullRequestTest.
Test showing the behavior of OkHttpGitHubConnector with and without cache.
The Class GHReleaseTest.
The Class GHRepositoryForkBuilderTest.
Test class for GHRepositoryRule.
The Class GHRepositoryStatisticsTest.
The Class GHRepositoryTest.
The Class GHTagTest.
The Class GHTeamBuilderTest.
The Class GHTeamTest.
The Class GHTreeBuilderTest.
The Class GHUserTest.
The Class GHVerificationReasonTest.
The Class GHWorkflowRunTest.
The Class GHWorkflowTest.
The Class Github2faTest.
Test showing the behavior of OkHttpGitHubConnector cache with GitHub 404 responses.
Unit test for GitHub.
Unit test for GitHub static helpers.
Unit test for GitHub.
The standard WireMockRule eagerly initializes a WireMockServer.
The Class JWTTokenProviderTest.
The Class LifecycleTest.
Test showing the behavior of OkHttpGitHubConnector with and without cache.
The Interface Payload.
The Class PayloadRule.
Test showing the behavior of the GitHubRateLimitChecker and RateLimitChecker.LiteralValue.
Test showing the behavior of OkHttpConnector with and without cache.
The Class RepositoryTrafficTest.
The Class RequesterRetryTest.
The Interface Thrower.
The standard WireMockRule eagerly initializes a WireMockServer.
The Class WireMockRule.
The Class WireMockRuleConfiguration.
Tests in this class are meant to show the behavior of AbstractGitHubWireMockTest with proxying on or off.